
Hostel for anti addiction and value empowerment

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₹ 15001

Raised of ₹ 15001 Goal of ₹ 60000000

13 supporters


What is India’s current addiction scenario?

Addiction has seen a rampant increase in recent years, with the youth being affected more than the middle-aged or anyone else. As per the UN reports, there are 1 million registered and about 5 million unofficial heroin addicts in India. 22.8 per thousand people are addicted to alcohol and drugs in UP alone.

IBN Live has stated that 21.4% of children between the age of 12-18 abuse alcohol. It has also been said that there is a 60% increase in alcohol intake among students between the age of 19-26.

Studies also state that about 5,500 youth under the age of 15 start using tobacco every day.

These statistics show the grave situation of our country when it comes to the harmful effects of addiction.

ISKCON Dwarka’s anti-addiction & Value Empowerment Programme is one major step that will help decrease the dependence on drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. We have a hall that measures 10,000 sq ft in area and can hold 200 people at a time.

It also aims to change lives for the betterment of society and the people. Our anti-addiction & Youth Mentoring Hostel is one such step to help those in dire need of escaping the clutches of addiction.

Challenges We Face

When talking about anti-addiction, it is not very easy to navigate the path without facing any boulders. We, too, face a few challenges. The first challenge we face is targeting youth as partners and preparing a methodological approach to overcome their addiction.

Addiction can dig its claws deep into a person, making it almost impossible for the abuser to let go of it. Therefore, we must put down a proper method and help the people bring them out of addiction clutches.

The second challenge we face is figuring out the target zone of youth. Figuring out the most vulnerable age and place where a young person might start depending on drugs and alcohol. Once this understanding is achieved, targeting children to get attracted and involved in addiction becomes more effortless.

The third challenge which we face is understanding which method is the most appropriate for anti-addiction. Different addicts need to be handled differently.

The same approach cannot be applied to everybody. When an addict gives up his or her addiction, they go through a phase called withdrawal. This phase is the most vulnerable time as a recovering addict tends to rebound and go back to addiction.

Each addict has a different effect on withdrawal syndrome and helping them combat it. This requires the use of other methods. Understanding which one will work the best is a challenge in itself.

At ISKCON Dwarka’s anti-addiction & Youth Mentoring Hostel, we work with recovering addicts and professionals, using physical, mental, spiritual, and financial leverages to curb the tendencies of flouting into addiction among the youth.

The vision of ISKCON Dwarka’s & Value Empowerment Programme

A society of youth that is well aware of the adverse ill effects of this harmful tendency of drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.

We together can become educating partners of educational bodies, government agencies, etc. to cater and fulfil the need of creating awareness against drug abuse, alcoholism, tobacco usage, etc.

Our Approach

Our anti-Addiction & Value Empowerment Programme provides Proactive & Preventive measures for drug anti-addiction, alcoholism, and AIDS. We employ training mechanisms that are based on the application of knowledge systems from intuitive and intriguing sciences.

We have adopted many outreach methods that have helped reach a more significant number of youth and adults struggling with addiction.

    • Workshops and Training Sessions
    • Practical Executive Training Programs
    • Conducting Value Education in Schools
    • Conducting Value Empowerment Contests
    • Exchange Programs
    • anti-Addiction related Study Material distribution
    • Offering hostel facilities ensures a suitable physical, mental, emotional, and educative environment for addicted or prone to addiction youth for their preventive and curative benefits.
    • Counselling and Mentoring

₹ 15001

Raised of ₹ 15001 Goal of ₹ 60000000

13 supporters

Sanjay Singh


₹ 2000

Lavkesh Charaya


₹ 2000

Aditya Swaroop


₹ 1001

Mahavir Vashishth


₹ 1000

Rajiv Sharma


₹ 1000

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